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Graphic Designer in Dubai Using Mograph Effectors Spline Editor for Custom Animations in Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D Tutorial Using Mograph Effectors Spline Editor for Custom Animations in Cinema 4D

Graphic Designer in Dubai Tutorial

Cinema 4D Tutorial Using Mograph Effectors Spline Editor for Custom Animations in Cinema 4D

In this quick tip, you’ll learn how to totally bypass Photoshop and create 2D text materials and apply it to 3D objects as textures by using Cinema 4D’s Spline Shader. Using the Spline Shader you can use text as simply as a 2D material, or get creative and use is in the bump or displacement channels of a material to get some embossed or stamped metal looks. The Spline Shader also isn’t limited to just text, you can use any spline shape to create a texture!

Since presenting for MAXON at NAB 2014, I’ve received a bunch of requests asking me to go further in depth on how I used the Cel Shader in a client spot in my presentation. In this tutorial, I’ll show you just that: how to create and apply a cool, stylistic, flat, illustrative 2D look to 3D objects in Cinema 4D. We will achieve this look by using the often overlooked Cel Shader & Spline Shader. Learning how to leverage C4D in your 2D workflow is critical when it comes to saving time creating elements and animating. If you’ve ever tried to make something look 3D with 2D objects, you know how painstaking it can be to sell the 3D depth using flat layers. I’ll also show how you can use the Cel Shader to apply shadows to objects with 100% luminance. One final note, be sure when you render to turn up the Anti-Aliasing settings as well as using a sharper Filter than Animation; such as Cubic (Still Image) or Sync so you have nice crisp edges in your animation to sell the 2D style.
Here’s the tutorial I mention in this video that shows you how to create the text material using a Spline Shader that is applied on the ribbon element:

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Graphic Designer in Dubai Using Mograph Effectors Spline Editor for Custom Animations in Cinema 4D Reviewed by admin on 10:12:00 AM Rating: 5

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