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How to Create an Aquarium Inside a Light Bulb with Photoshop

How to Create an Aquarium Inside a Light Bulb with Photoshop

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Step 1 – Modified the lightbulb.

Open the photo with lightbulb.Make a copy of the Background layer, press Shift + T and then Flip Horizontal. Go to: Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and set the Brightness at +25.  

Step 2 – Clear the lightbulb.

Pick the Brush tool (B) and with this color #f1f1f1 put the color in the area shown in the picture .

Step 3 – Create the water inside the lightbulb

Open water texture 1 and paste in the document .Go to Edit > Transform or press Ctrl+T for transform the water texture (Flip vertical and make smaller) and position the water texture to the position as seen in the image below.
Hide the layer with water texture 1 and make a path with Pen Tools (P) like in the photo .Right-click and select Make selection and set Father selection to 0,5px .
Go to Select > Inverse or press Shift+Ctrl+I to inverse the selection and hit Delete button.Set Blending Mode to Color Burn and opacity at 41%

Step 4 – Adding second water texture.

Let’s adding the second water texture so open the water texture 2 and move in the our document . Go to Edit > Transform or press Ctrl+T and transform texture like me .
Press Ctrl+Click on the thumbnail of the previous layer and go to Select > Inverse or press Shift+Ctrl+I to inverse the selection and hit the Delete button . Change Blending Mode on Multiply an Opacity 45%

Step 5

Make a new elliptical selection with Elliptical Marquee Tool on the layer with water texture 2 like in the photo and press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste and move this up like in the photo .

Step 6 – Adding the sand

Open the sand texture 2 picture and press Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C . Open the document with light bulb and press Ctrl+V to paste the texture. Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl+T to transform the texture and make it small like in the photo.
Press Ctrl+Click on the thumbnail of the “aqua background” layer and press Shift+Ctrl+I or go to Select > Inverse to inverse the selection and then go to Edit > Clear

Step 7 – Adding shadow on sand

Pick the Burn tool and set size of brush at 83px , exposure on Shadows . Use the settings show in the photo , and burn the bottom margin of the sand like me .

Step 8 – Make the sand more look 3D

Open the sand texture 1 picture and select Pen Tool (P) and make a new path like me . Right-click and select Make Selection with father 0,5 .
Copy the sand dune pressing Ctrl+C and paste it in our project pressing Ctrl+V . Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl+T and transform the sand dune like me.

Step 9

Select Elliptical Marque Tool and make an elliptical selection with father 0 . Go to Select > Inverse or press Ctrl+Shift+I and press Delete button .

Step 10

Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl+T for transform , go to Edit > Transform > Warp . Transform the sand dune like me and pull the point exactly in this order.

Step 11

Select the light bulb pressing Ctrl+click on the “aqua background” layer thumbnail . Press Ctrl+Shift+I or go to Select > Inverse and press Delete button .
Press Ctrl+click on the thumbnail of the sand dune layer an then pick the Rectangular Marquee Tool an set like me and make a new selection like me and go to Select > Inverse and press the Delete button.
And now light bulb should look like this  
Not like this

Step 12

Open the sand texture 1 picture and make a new selection with Rectangular Marquee Tool like in the picture .Press Ctrl+C to copy the texture
p>Press Ctrl+V to paste the texture and the go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl+T and transform the texture like me.

Step 13

Pick Pen Tool and make new path like me , press Right-Click and select make selection and set father 0,5. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to inverse selection and then press Delete button.
Go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and use the settings shown below .

Step 14

Pick Pen Tool an make new path like me , press Right-Click and select make selection and set father 0,5. Press Ctrl+C to copy the sand castle.

Step 15

Press Ctrl+V to paste the sand castle . Go to Edit > Free transform or press Ctrl+T and make the castle smaller like me.

Step 16

Go to Image > Auto Color or press Shift+Ctrl+B .
An now the sand castle should look like this :

Step 17

Press Ctrl+Click on the thumbnail of the layer castle.
Click on the aqua reflection layer and press Ctrl+C and take a piece of the texture and set Blending Mode of the layer on Screen and Opacity to 28%

Step 18

Open the photo with the shell . Select Pen tool and make new path like me . Right-click and select Make Selection and set father 0,5 and press Ctrl+C to cop the shell .

Step 19

Press Ctrl+V to paste the shell . Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl+T and make the shell smaller and put it where you want .

Step 20

Press Ctrl+Click on the thumbnail of the shell layer and move selection with 1px down .

Step 21

Make a new layer behind this shell layer and press Shift+F5 or go to Edit > Fill and select from menu Black and press OK . Set layer opacity to 49%

Step 22

Press Ctrl+Click on the thumbnail of the shell layer.
Click on the aqua reflection layer and press Ctrl+C and take a piece of the texture and set Blending Mode of the layer on Screen and Opacity to 33%

Step 23

Make a copy at the all layer of the shell and press Ctrl+T and transform the shell make it smaller and put where you want .

Step 24 – Put fish in the bulb

Open the photo with the little nemo and pick from menu Pen Tool (P) . With Pen tool make a new path like in the photo . Right-Click and select Make Selection and set father 0,5px and press Ctrl+C to copy the fish.
Press Ctrl+V to paste the fish in the document . Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl + T and make it smaller and put where you want .

Step 25

Pick the Pen tool from menu and make new path like me . Right-click and select make selection with father 0px . Go to Layer > New > Layer via Cut or press Shift+Ctrl+J and cut the portion that should be transparent, set the opacity at 80%

Step 26

Select the fish and click on the aqua reflection layer and press Ctrl+C and take a piece of the texture and set Blending Mode on Screen and Opacity at 65%

Step 27 – Put the second fish in the bulb

Open the photo with the second nemo fish and pick from menu Pen Tool (P) . With Pen tool make a new path like in the photo . Right-Click and select Make Selection and set father 0,5px and press Ctrl+C to copy the fish.
Press Ctrl+V to paste the fish in the document . Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl + T and make it smaller

Step 28

Ctrl+Click on thumbnail of the second nemo fish and click on the aqua reflection layer and press Ctrl+C and take a piece . Paste the texture pressing Ctrl+V and set Blending Mode of the texture on Screen and Opacity 65%

Step 29

Open the photo with the starfish, select from menu Pen Tool (P) and make a new path like in the photo . Right-Click and select Make Selection and set father 0,5px and press Ctrl+C to copy the starfish.

Step 30

Press Ctrl+V to paste the starfish in the document . Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Ctrl + T and make it smaller and set the Opacity at 62%

Step 31

Ctrl+Click on thumbnail of the starfish layer and move the selection with 1px down.
Make new layer under the layer with starfish and press Shift+D or go to Edit > Fill and select from menu Black and press OK . Set the layer Opacity at 29%

Step 32 – Make the lightbulb more shiny

Hide all the layers beside the one with the bulb. Pick Pen Tool (P) from menu and make a new path like in the image . Right-Click and select make selection with father 0,5px . Go to Layer > New > Layer via Copy or press Ctrl+J and move the copy above all of the layers .

Step 33

Go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and use the settings in the image below . Set Blending Mode of the layer to Overlay and Opacity at 20%

Step 34

Press Ctrl+Click on the thumbnail of the previously layer to select the lightbulb and go to Edit > Fill or press Shift+F5 , select from menu Color and put this color #808080 .

Step 35

Right-click on this layer and select Blending Option , set the Fill Opacity at 0% .
Go to Gradient Overlay and make new Gradient with this settings .
Set Blend Mode of the Gradient on Overlay , Opacity 50% , Style Radial, set Gradient on Reverse , Angle 90 degrees and Scale at 97%

Step 36

Select the lightbulb and with black brush with size around 200-300px make a shadow at the bottom of the bulb like in the photo.
Set Blending Mode of the layer on Soft Light and Opacity 45%.

Step 37

Click on the “Create new Fill > Adjustment layer ” icon and select from menu Photo Filter .
Select “Underwater” Filter and set Density at 75%.

Step 38

Select the entire surface of the water pressing Ctrl+Click on the “aqua background” thumbnail layer and go to Select > Inverse or press Ctrl+Shift+I . Click on the Layer mask thumbnail of the Photo Filter (see photo)
Go to Edit > Fill or press Shift+F5 and select from menu Black.
That was it, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you will manage to do your own magic world.

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Article: How to Create an Aquarium Inside a Light Bulb with Photoshop

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