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Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian designer Bernát Barbara came up with these banknote series for her MA degree project. Hungarian euro banknote series. The common side of each note features european animals, the other side shows related species of plants. The banknotes are original etching prints.

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Hungarian Paper Money DesignHungarian Paper Money Design

I designed and prepared five denomations of ten etchings, all etched in separate copperplates. This subtle and refined form of reproduction enabled me to imitate the original technique used during the production of banknotes, intaglio printing. My goal was to create a complete series with clear design, that transcends the tradition of banknote making.

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Design Process

I only wanted to keep the essential visual elements of a banknote. The most important parts beside the graphics are the denomination, the serial number, the issuing authority and the authorized signatories. I left the the unnecessary security graphic elements behind, to get a clear visual impact.

I wanted to emphasize the animals and plants, the typography and the security marks are secondary on my notes. I started with thumbnails, they evolved to more detailed sketches, which lead to my final layout.

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Serial Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Printing Process

I made 1,5 scale graphite drawings of each species, which were the outlines for the final the etchings. The etchings are directly printed on digital print basis. All of them are inked and hand-pulled by me.

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design


Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design

Hungarian Paper Money Design
Hungarian Paper Money Design Reviewed by admin on 6:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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